Thursday, October 31, 2019

Nutritional Care Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Nutritional Care Plan - Essay Example Harvey (2011) explains that â€Å"overnutrition is an unfavorable health condition in which at least one nutrient is supplied in an amount that exceeds the bodys requirements for normal metabolism, growth and development.† The Test Lab Online (2011) adds that overnutrition is a serious medical problem in pregnancy because â€Å"chronic overnutrition can lead to obesity and to metabolic syndrome, a set of risk factors characterized by abdominal obesity, a decreased ability to process glucose (insulin resistance), dyslipidemia, and hypertension.† This essay shall focus on abdominal obesity in pregnancy. According to the American Pregnancy Association (2011), woman who had BMI of 18.5 to 24.9 before pregnancy is required to gain weight of 1 – 4.5 pounds during the first trimester. However, after just two weeks, the woman came back to the hospital with a weight gain of 7.7 pounds. This was still at the early stages of the pregnancy and therefore constituted an excessive weight of 3.2 pounds. Further biochemical test showed that the albumin level of the woman was 5.8 g/dl, which was almost above normal. The interpretation is that the woman was suffering from overnutrition. Clinical assessment however revealed that the integrity of the woman’s skin was intact. When dietary assessment of the patient’s daily intake of food was done, it was realized that the woman had been misinformed to start taking in more protein and fat and extra mineral with the intention of helping her fetus grow better. Medications were suggested for the patient based on her cultural and socioeconomic background. It must be reiterated that medications or drugs come into the treatment of over nutrition as a last resort and especially when the patient’s case has resulted in obesity. Some commonly acceptable medications in medical circles include Orlistat, Sibutramine, Rimonabant, Metformin, Exenatide, Pramlintide

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Intensification of International Migration Essay Example for Free

The Intensification of International Migration Essay 1. INTRODUCTION Migrant flows are always from the poorest countries with a low probability of employment towards less poor and more dynamic countries where there is an opportunity to find some sort of job. Over the last few years international migration has intensified, with the media referring to the â€Å"regionalisation and globalisation† of migration. The major centers of attraction are the same: United States and the European Union, with countries in southern Europe gradually becoming immigrant receiving countries. The third major region that attracts migrants is the oil-rich Middle East. The fourth major region set to be the target for increasing numbers is Asia/Pacific, including Australia and New Zealand. What are the effects of migration on the countries of origin? Funds sent by migrant to families back home often play a considerable part in the development of the local economy. However, when highly qualified people leave their home country, the investment made by the developing countries in their higher education is lost. To remedy this, programmes have to be set up to encourage immigrants to return, so that they can contribute to the economic development of their home country. The political environment in some African countries must be conflict free for African professionals overseas to return home. Africa is certainly experiencing a debilitating flight of professionals and skilled people escaping their countries’ economic crisis. The level and trend of brain drain has reached unsustainable heights. In the last few years, the brain drain has escalated in magnitude to levels that have serious implications on economic growth in countries like Zimbabwe. Why have African intellectuals and professionals left or thinking seriously of leaving their countries? Previous studies have discovered extremely high levels of dissatisfaction with the cost of living, taxation, availability of goods, and salaries. The number of poor living below the poverty datum line has surged progressively in the last few years because of economic crisis and spiraling inflation. The situation has been exacerbated by declining  real savings compounded by high levels of taxation and rising unemployment levels. The decline in real gross domestic product(GDP), is reflective of failure to attract foreign direct investment(FDI) and increased external debt due to chronic foreign currency shortages to procure raw materials, fuel, electricity and spare parts, against a background of rising production and labour costs due to high inflation have led to declining savings. The contraction in the formal sector, owing to companies’ downsizing, reducing working periods and closure, have led to significant fall in employment levels. Growing lawlessness and politically-motivated violence are some of the push factors for many intellectuals and professionals. The dissatisfaction goes deeper than economic and political circumstances to include housing, medical services, education, education and a viable future for children. Against this background, many skilled persons and professionals have migrated to other countries and the potential for emigrating among African university students and other is most probably very high. There is therefore need to enact policies in Africa to curb these massive brain drain and offer incentives to make staying and working in African countries attractive for professionals and skilled people. The broad objective of this paper is to highlight African brain drain, its causes and consequences. Brain drain is seen in this paper as a complex problem created by both endogenous and exogenous factors, which prey on the disparity between technologically developed and industrialized world, and the poor developing countries. The structure of the papers is as follows; Section I gives a general Introduction to the problem of Brain drain. Section 2 attempts briefly to conceptualize and categorize international migration and the possible causes of international migration. Section 3 gives a detailed analysis of Causes for African Brain Drain. Section 4 attempts to show the Impact and Consequences of African Brain Drain, giving Zimbabwe as an example. Section 5 Conclusion and Future Prospects and Policy Options. . 2. THE CAUSES OF INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION Some theories of international migration: There is no single, well-developed theory of international migration. Among the various models attempting to explain why international migration begins, five major approaches can be discerned: These were offered by Sharon Stanton Russell 2. Neoclassical economics: macro theory (arguably the body of theory most familiar to World Bank staff) views geographic differences in the supply and demand for labor in origin and destination countries as the major factors driving individual migration decisions. Among the assumptions of this model are that international migration will not occur in the absence of these differentials, that their elimination will bring an end to international movements, and that labor markets (not other markets) are the primary mechanisms inducing movements. Government policy interventions affect migration by regulating or influencing labor markets in origin and destination countries. Neoclassical economics: micro theory focuses on the level of individual rational actors who make decisions to migrate based upon a cost-benefit calculation that indicates a positive net return to movement. In this approach, human capital characteristics that raise the potential benefits of migration, and individual, social, or technological factors that lower costs, will lead to increased migration. Differences in earnings and employment rates are key variables, and governments influence migration through policies that affect these (e.g., through development policies that   raise incomes at the point of origin, decrease the probability of employment at destination, or increase the costs of migration). The new economics of migration views migration as a family (i.e., group) strategy to diversify sources of income, minimize risks to the household, and overcome barriers to credit and capital. In this model, international migration is a means to compensate for the absence or failure of certain  types of markets in developing countries, for example crop insurance markets, futures markets, unemployment insurance, or capital markets. Dual labour market theory holds that demand for low-level workers in more developed economies is the critical factor shaping international migration. To avoid the structural inflation that would result from raising entry wages of native workers, and to maintain labor as a variable factor of production, employers seek low-wage migrant workers. In this model, international migration is demand – based and initiated by recruitment policies of employers or governments in destination areas. World systems theory focuses not on labour markets in national economies, but on the structure of the world market-notably the â€Å"penetration of capitalist economic relations into peripheral, non-capitalist societies, â€Å"which takes place through the concerted actions of neocolonial governments, multinational firms, and national elites. International migration is generated as land, raw materials and labour in areas of origin are drawn into the world market economy and traditional systems are disrupted. 3. CAUSES OF AFRICAN BRAIN DRAIN. In the 1960s most of the African countries became independent, with the former Portuguese territories in 1975. In 1995, the last colony in Africa – South Africa – achieved majority rule. With accession to independence there was a marked change in the pace of migration. The first development plans and those subsequently adopted, accentuated existing disparities between urban areas which enjoyed the benefit of investment and rural areas. In some countries the most elementary freedoms were denied, giving rise to mass exodus of people unprecedented in the history of Africa. The gap between the economic and social development of different regions within countries and of different countries inside and outside Africa, has continued to widen over the years. Brain drain is a migration of professional people(as scientists, professors, or physicians) from one country to another, usually for higher salaries or  better living conditions. Despite the clarity of this definition, most efforts to halt the brain drain or reverse the process, especially in African countries, seem to pay little attention to economic and social imperative to brain drain, and instead, centre on appeals to the spirit of nationalism and patriotism. In extreme cases, some governments threaten to hire foreign professionals as replacement labour for those who left-a more complicated and costly option. Political Turmoil: Political turmoil is linked to the failure of economic development. As pressures of poverty, rapid population growth, disease and illiteracy and environmental degradation mount, they produce a volatile cocktail of insecurity. Resulting war, civil strife, state – sponsored terrorism, riots and other forms of political violence can lead to the displacement of large numbers of people as migrants, refugees, or asylees. In the late twentieth century, compared to previous centuries, more wars are taking place, and they are lasting longer and causing more devastation. According to Papademetriou both internal and regional conflicts, often based on religion and ethnicity, are precipitating unprecedented high levels of international migration. Economic and Political factors: The economic and political factors associated with international migration that have so far been discussed so far forces on the lack of economic development and political stability in many Third World countries. They are the major push factors in migration. The push factors are circumstances in the home environment that make a person think about leaving his normal place of abode for another part of the same country, neighbouring countries, or for a more distant place like the United Kingdom of the United States. Pull Factors i.e. those that draw people to particular destinations, are equally important. The post – World War II expansion of the industrial economies of Western Europe and North America (especially the United States) has led to immigration policies in these countries designed to meet a  burgeoning demand for cheap labour. Globalization has made possible a massive transfer of resources like technology and capital; labour has become another form of large-scale resource transfer; Although more than half of recent international migration flows are between developing countries, the flow from the Third World to industrial nations has grown to unprecedented levels. That developed countries are a magnet for the world’s migrant is evident from statistics. In 1990, half of the world’s migrants (excluding those naturalized, which would increase even more than the number in developed countries) were in industrial countries: 15-20 million were in Western Europe, 15-20 million were in North America, and 2-3 million were in the industrial nations of Asia (e.g. Japan, Taiwan).7 This globalization phenomenon has not escaped the attention  of Deepak Nayyar, who observes that: the process of globalization is bound to exercise a significant influence on the push-factors underlying international migration. It would decrease emigration pressures if it leads to a convergence of levels of income between the industrialized countries and the developing countries. But it would increase emigration pressures if it leads to a divergence in levels of income between the industrialized countries and the developing countries. Similarly, it would decrease emigration pressures if it leads to a reduction in poverty, an expansion of employment opportunities and an improvement in the quality of life for the people in developing countries. But it would increase emigration pressures if it leads to rising poverty, growing inequality, worsening employment prospects and deterioration in the quality of life of people in development countries.8 In summary it should be realized that the globalization of economies, lack of development and political stability in Third World countries, and immigration policies that reflect the need for labour in the receiving industrialized countries have thus far been proposed as the major factors explaining international migration from the Third World to the developed countries e.g. USA, UK., etc. But these alone do not adequately explain why certain countries or individuals, not others, dominate migration flows nor do they explain the particular destination choice of migrants. As earlier discussed, economic globalization, lack of development and political instability, industrial nations’ immigration policies, and linguistic and  historical ties are major factors that account for Third World immigration to developed countries in general. The same factors enable us to understand African immigration to Europe and the United States of America. Sub-Saharan Africa, like most other developing regions, has been integrated into the global economy primarily as a source of cheap primary goods and cheap labour. Initially, African labour was exploited within colonial boundaries but after World War II African labour was often actively recruited by ex-colonial European powers as competition for more expensive European labour. For example, France gave its former African colonies favoured nation status and formed agreements with such African states as Senegal, Mauritania, and Mali to promote labour migration. By 1960, about 20 000 Sub-Saharan Africans were in France; 12 000 in the late 80s. The British were less hospitable to immigrants from their former African colonies. Beginning in 1962, Africans in England were denied full social and political rights. They were subject to four immigrant control and three race relations outs that gradually withdrew their citizenship rights. Pass laws and voucher systems were introduced in order to â€Å"terminate black settler immigration and to introduce repatriation. In 1971, the British passed an immigration act to expressly limit immigration from its former colonies. It can, therefore, be said that Sub-Saharan Africa has generated significant global flows of migrants in the post-war era, mainly to ex-colonial states: Nigerian, Tanzanian, Ugandan, Asians and of late Zimbabweans have migrated to the U.K., Central and West Africans to France; Zairians (Congolese) to Belgium. However, the OECD has argued that these movements are dwafted by regional migrations within Africa. Regional labour have flowed primarily to Nigeria, South Africa, Gabon and the Ivory Coast. The main countries of emigration have been Zaire (now Congo), Angola, Mozambique, Cameroon and Botswana as well as all of the North African Nations, though rarely have their emigrants crossed the Sahara.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

A Study On Dialogue And Learning Education Essay

A Study On Dialogue And Learning Education Essay Dialogue has been recognized as the most notable example of Western literature by Plato since 428/427 BC 348/347 BC;. In Greek and Indian literature, particularly the ancient art of rhetoric, it is historically origins as narrative, philosophical or educational device. The dialogue has been used to teach a range of subjects, including philosophy, logic, rhetoric, and mathematics. Dialogue (the Greek DIA for through and logos for word) can be defined to include numerous communicative acts includes conversation, talk, communication, interchange, discourse, argument, chat, gossip, colloquy, as well as discussion, debate, exchange of views, head-to-head, consultation, conference, meeting, interview, question and answer session, and negotiations (New Oxford Thesaurus of English 2000). Dialogic learning can occur in any educational situation and contains an important potential for social transformation.  [2]  Various contributions to Dialogic learning has been developed on many perspectives and disciplines such as, P. Freire, 1970 on the theory of Dialogic action, G. Wells, 1999 looking for the Dialogic inquiry approach, J. Habermas, 1984 with the theory of communicative action, M. Bakhtin, 1981, the notion of Dialogic imagination, and Soler, 2004, the dialogical self. Among those, there are many more contemporary authors on Dialogic conceptions, J. Mezirow, 1990, 1991, 2000 transformative learning theory, M. Fielding 2001, students as radical agents of change, T. Koschmann, 1999 emphasizes the potential advantages of adopting dialogicality as the basis of education, Anne C. Hargrave, 2000 shows that children in Dialogic-learning in vocabulary. Specifically, the concept of Dialogic learning (Flecha, 2000)  [3]  evolved from the investigation and observation of how people learn both outside and inside of schools, when acting and learning freely is allowed. The theory The concept of Dialogic learning is not new. In the book Mind and Society, 1962, Vygotsky argued that children learn how to use planning function of their language effectively and their psychological field changes fundamentally. He argued that a child begins to master his surroundings with the help of speech prior to mastering his own behavior. He claimed that the creation of these unique human forms of behavior which eventually produced the intellectual productive work with the use of tools. This was described in his observations of children in an experimental situation showed that children not only act in attempting to achieve a goal but also speak. This speech arose spontaneously and continued almost without interruption throughout the experiment. He claimed that it seems that both natural and necessary for children to speak while they act. Respectively, Vygotsky drew the same kind of distinction between the spontaneous concept of everyday learning and the scientific concept of th e classroom.  [4]  Vygotsky, 1962 argues that the inception of a spontaneous concept can usually be traced to a face-to-face meeting with a concrete situation, while a scientific concept involves from the first a mediated attitude towards it object. Paulo Reglus Neves Freire (1921-1997), 1970 theory of Dialogic action 1921 -1997 was a Brazilian educator and influential theorist of critical pedagogy.  [5]  He was an educationist known for developing popular education; he puts dialogue as a type of pedagogy.  [6]  Freire argued that dialogue as a means of democratizing education (Freire 1972, 1999). Dialogue communication allowed students and teachers to learn from one another in an environment characterized by respect and equality. He advocates himself to support suppressed people with their performance or application of skills that is informed and linked to their values, by performing and applying their skills in order to make pedagogy for a more deepening understanding and making positive changes to them. He states that human nature is Dialogic, and he believes that communication has a leading role in peoples life. Dialogue is a claim in favor of the democratic choice of educators and learners. The goal of the Dialogic action is always to reveal the truth interacting with others and the world. He claimed that we are continually in dialogue with others and it is in that process that we create and recreate ourselves. Besides, in order to promote free and critical learning, he insists that we should create the conditions for dialogue that encourages the epistemological curiosity of the learner. The Russian philosopher, literary critic, semiotician and scholar who worked on literary theory, ethics, and the philosophy of language, Mikhail M. Bakhtin, 1981, distinguishes the notion of Dialogic imagination. He has theorized dialogue in emphasizing the power of discourse to increase understanding of multiple perspectives and create myriad possibilities.  [7]  Bakhtin argued that dialogue creates a new understanding of a situation that demands change as relationships and connections exist among all living beings.  [8]  His concept of dialogism states a relation between language, interaction, and social transformation. Holquist, 1990 described Bakhtins writings on dialogicality are profound and represent a substantive shift from prevailing views on the nature of language and knowledge  [9]  . Bakhtin established that there is a need of creating meanings in a Dialogic way with other people.  [10]  He believed that individual does not exist outside dialogue. The conc ept of dialogue itself establishes the existence of the other person. It is through dialogue that the other cannot be silenced or excluded. Bakhtin claimed that meanings are created in the processes of reflection between people. He describes, we use the same meanings later in conversations with others, where those meanings get better and even change as we obtain new meanings. Therefore, when we talk, we learn something. In this sense, every time that we talk about something that we have read about, seen or felt; we are actually reflecting the dialogues we have had with others, showing the meanings that we have created in the previous dialogues with others. That said, dialogue cannot be separated from the perspectives of others: learning derives from here with the individual speech and the collective one is deeply related to ones life. Bakhtin asserts that talks is a chain of dialogues, he points that every dialogue results from a previous one and, at the same time, every new dialogu e are going to be presented in future ones. Fitz Simons, G. (1994)  [11]  the learning communities, an educational project which seeks social and cultural transformation of educational centers and their surroundings through Dialogic learning, emphasizing egalitarian dialogue among all community members, including teaching staff, students, families, entities, and volunteers. Fitz Simons points out: The need to establish an atmosphere of mutual respect and a feeling of community in which adult learners are encouraged to be independent learners and to share their expertise (p. 24-25, 1994) Dialogic Learning Fletcher, 2000 looks at the concept of Dialogic learning evolved from the investigation and observation of how people learn both outside and inside of schools, when learning and acting freely is allowed. She describes open dialogue which derived from the perspective of Freire, 1997 involvement of all members of the community the learning communities as research shows that learning process take place in different spaces of the learners life regardless of the learners age, and including the teaching staff, depend more on the coordination among all the interactions and activities. The recognition and respect of different types of knowledge raise the awareness that each person has something to share, something different and equally important. Therefore, the wider the diversity of voices engaged in open dialogue, the better the knowledge that can be dialogically constructed. Fletcha puts as [Dialogic learning] lead to the transformation of education centers into learning communities where all the people and groups involved enter into relationships with each other. In this way, the environment is transformed, creating new cognitive development and greater social and educational equality. (p. 24) Edward and Mercer, 1987 emphasize that the dialogue concept is ground rules of conversation because it operates as implicit sets of rules for behaving in particular kinds of situation which participants usually take for granted  [12]  . (Edward and Mercer, 1987) In 2007, Mercer and Littletons argues that talk is not just the mediating means for supporting individual development, but rather that ways of thinking are embedded in ways of using language. This talk is more emphasized on as a valuable, social mode of thinking, not just learning. They argue that learners engage and interact with others may have a profound and enduring impact on their skill and intellectual development.  [13]  They further argue that learning and development are two terms that related and have both been used in a great deal. Learning is often in the company of teaching. These two words are required to call upon the kinds of cognitive and intellectual changes in childrens learning. He asserts that lea rning is normally associated with the gaining of knowledge and the acquisition of some fact or skill. It invokes ideas of some sort of growth, the emergence of a new entity and the arrival of a new state of affairs. A contributor to Mercer and Littleton, Chris Watkins, 2003 (A scholar in education and learning) has distinguished three influential conceptions of learning: Learning is being taught, learning is the individual sense making, learning is building knowledge with others.  [14]   Harry Daniel 2001 claims that classroom talk or dialogue mediates not just teaching and learning but also the wider culture.  [15]  He claims that humans are seen as creatures who have a unique capacity for communication and whose lives are normally led within groups, communities and societies based on shared ways of using language, ways of thinking, social practices and tools for getting things done. Daniels emphasizes that such talk, must not be regarded as simple interaction, but narrowly regarded and bounded by the immediacy of the learning task in hand. Similarly, the Dialogic inquiry approach by Gordon Wells, 1999  [16]  , Wells argues that classroom dialogue has been proposed as a method of introducing critical education (Wells 1999, Alrà ¸ Skovsmose 2002) Dialogic inquiry is an educational approach that acknowledges the dialectic relationship between the individual and the society, and an attitude for acquiring knowledge through communicative interactions. Wells points out that the predisposition for Dialogic inquiry depends on the characteristics of the learning environments, and that is why it is important to reorganize them into contexts for collaborative action and interaction. Wells defines inquiry not as a method but as a predisposition for questioning, trying to understand situations collaborating with others with the objective of finding answers. Wells further argues that Dialogic inquiry not only enriches individuals knowledge but also transforms it, ensuring the survival of different cultures and their capacity to transform themselves according to the requirements of every social moment. Wells claims that Dialogic inquiry not only enriches individuals knowledge but also transforms it, ensuring the survival of different cultures and their capacity to transform themselves according to the requirements of every social moment. Education is seen as a Dialogic process, with students and teachers working together within settings that reflect the values and social practices of schools as cultural institutions. Alrà ¸ Skovsmose, 2002 relate dialogue to the learning process by attribute three essential properties to the notion of dialogue; making an inquiry, running a risk and maintaining equality.  [17]  These essential properties must be characteristic of the scene of interaction in order for a learning dialogue to occur. Making an inquiry means learner exploring what he does not yet know and sharing the desire to gain new experiences. For an inquiry to be Dialogic it must be open to participants bringing their own perspectives rooted in their backgrounds into the inquiry. Learners must also be willing to suspend their own perspectives in order to consider the perspectives of others and in articulating these perspectives new and more insightful perspectives might come into view. For that reason, Dialogic is running a risk in the ambiguity and uncertainty of the dialogue process. Learners to a dialogue propose other peoples perspectives, however navigating in a landscape of investigation means that there are no pre-established answers to up-and-coming questions. Therefore dialogue includes risk-taking both in an epistemological and an emotional sense. In other words learners to a dialogue will be challenged on their knowledge as well as their emotions. In order for participants to remain in the Dialogic process it must be ensured that the uncertainty never appears too uncomfortable. They claim that dialogue could then maintain equality by suggesting that learners are engaged at a level of parity. Parity in this sense does not equal sameness but rather fairness. Learners may enter the dialogue in different capacities and being equal thus comes to depend on the ability of learners to embrace and accept diversity (Alrà ¸ Skovsmose, 2002). After years of research conducted in several countries; India, USA, France, Italy and England with a team of researchers, Robin Alexander 2004  [18]  has put talk as the prominent element for effective thinking and learning requirement for children. He has distinguished talk for a distinctive pedagogical approach called Dialogic teaching. He argues that language and thought are intimately related, and the extent and manner of childrens cognitive development depend to a considerable degree on the forms and contexts of language which they have encountered and used. This new approach demands both pupil engagement and teacher intervention by which pupils actively engage and teachers constructively intervene is through talk. Dialogue and Higher level of Education For higher educational level, Diana Laurillard, 2002 puts a Dialogic learning framework as Conversational Framework. This framework supports various media forms such as narrative, interactive, adaptive, communicative and productive. The idea of a conversational framework, is used to define the learning process for higher education and then to interpret the extent to which new technology can support and enhance high level conceptual learning. She describes that learning must be discursive and the teacher should be associating teaching and learning process with the world. Laurillard asserts that learning technologies must achieve their full potential for transforming learning experience. Laurillard argues that the academics; Universities, Institutions, colleges, schools etc. Should begin with an understanding of how students learn, and they should design and use the Conversational Framework and the learning technologies from this standpoint to familiarize a better learning strategy for university teaching. Laurillards idea is hardly new as she quoted Paul Ramsdens statement that teaching is a sort of conversation. Respectively, Kolbs learning cycle (Kolb, 1984) states that learning occurs through an iterative cycle of experience followed by feedback, then reflected on to be used as revised action  [19]  . Gordon Pask, 1976 formalized the idea of learning as a conversation in conversation theory. This theory lays out the separation of description and model-building behaviors, and the definition of understanding as determined by two levels of agreement (Ibid. 22)  [20]  . This describes the characteristic of the teaching learning process is iterative conversation. Besides classroom education, dialogue education is described as an approach to adult education by educator, Jane Vella in the 1980s. This approach to education draws on various adult learning theories, including those of Paulo Freire, Kurt Lewin, Malcolm Knowles and Benjamin Bloom (Global Learning Partners, 2006b; Vella, 2004). It is a synthesis of these abstract theories into principles and practices that can be applied in a concrete way to learning design and facilitation. Dialogue education is a form of Constructivism and can be a means for Transformative learning, (Vella, 2004). Dialogue education shifts the focus of education from what the teacher says to what the learner does, from learner passivity to learners as active participants in the dialogue that leads to learning (Global Learning Partners, 2006c). A dialogue approach to education views learners as subjects in their own learning and honors central principles such as mutual respect and open communication (Vella, 2002). L earners are invited to actively engage with the content being learned rather than being dependent on the educator for learning. Ideas are presented to learners as open questions to be reflected on and integrated into the learners own context (Vella, 2004). The intent is that this will result in more meaningful learning. Conclusion Significantly dialogue and learning are two terms that cant stand by its own without the others presence. It is now that the responsibility of this study to examine dialogue and learning to a further course of current new media mobile technology. How does children making use of mobile devices in the world of mobile technology in this transformation age of environment? How does learning then develop from these technologies? Why does a child today communicate so much with technology? That said my hypothesis that the new media mobile technology has potential in facilitating the process of childrens learning development. Do these technologies provide learning tools which are able to provide significant knowledge development? Besides, Vygotsky and Vygotskian theory claimed that the learning tools are some kind of childrens higher psychological functions of making his or her interactions to their social and moral development. As we all knew, these dialogues are being created, learned and u sed by our children tremendously without our awareness day to day in their world of communications in interactive mobile technologies. These dialogues and learning are integrated with their handheld gadgets, computers and software, learning materials, playing the games in the virtual world. With the existence of other features; design, audio and video, photography, colors, fonts, information, and programming language navigating them throughout the lessons and programs. Our children or learners and members jointly produce Dialogic knowledge and participate in the definition of actions that lead to social and educational change. Therefore, this research sees dialogue and learning associates to the notion of Bakhtin dialogicality as dialogue represents this senses where it mediates the new media that our children to listen and watch. These dialogues can take numerous other forms such as: less structured, more informal and more participatory than interviews or discussion groups, e.g. By encouraging participants to set the agenda for discussion and for the researcher to take an active role in the discussion rather than only the role as a listener. This approach will grant participants to the dialogue a sense of equality and the freedom to bring into the dialogue whichever topic they deem relevant. Inviting research participants in the interpretation process simultaneously embrace a Dialogic epistemology recognizing the value of negotiating, reflecting and interpreting with the goal of mutual understanding and relationship building. Therefore, in this study we need to narrow our understanding of dialogue and address the question of the contribution of dialogue in the interactive mobile technologies in the childrens psychological learning development. In the learning communities, it is fundamentally the involvement o f all members of the community because, as research shows, learning processes, regardless of the learners age, and including the teaching staff, depend more on the coordination among all the interactions and activities that take place in different spaces of the learners life, like school, home, and workplace, then only on interactions and activities developed in spaces of formal learning, such as classrooms. Along these lines, the learning communities project aims at multiplying learning contexts and interactions with the objective of all participants reaching higher levels of development (Vygotsky, 1978)  [21]  .

Friday, October 25, 2019

An Era Understood Through Fitzgerald’s Characters Essay -- Literary An

â€Å"Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us.†¦ Tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther.†¦ And one fine morning—† (Fitzgerald 180). In this quote from The Great Gatsby, Nick attempts to describe the nature of Gatsby’s hope and draws the parallel to all of our hopes and dreams that we have as Americans. F. Scott Fitzgerald, an American novelist and short-story writer, was an amazing author who used his work, just like in the quote above, to write about the Roaring Twenties and the hopes of Americans during that time. His earlier works show an idealistic feeling for the potentials of life at college and in â€Å"The East,† he attained the sobriquet of â€Å"the spokesman of the Jazz Age.† His third novel, The Great Gatsby, is one of the most powerful portrayals of American life and the pursuit of the great American dream during the 1920s. Throughout this paper, Fitzgerald ’s excellent job in conveying the lifestyle and pursuit of the American dream through his characters, in both The Great Gatsby and â€Å"Winter Dreams†, will be reflected upon. Fitzgerald’s life influences on his works, why he is regarded as a historian of the 1920s and how Fitzgerald uses his characters to reveal the Roaring Twenties era, will all be explored. Fitzgerald, during his youth, showed a talent for dramas, first writing original plays for amateur fabrication. While at Princeton, he composed stanzas for the university's well-known Triangle Club productions. Before he had the opportunity to graduate, he volunteered during World War I for the army. Due to his enlistment, he spent the weekends writing the original drafts of his first novel. The work was a success and accepted in 1919 by Charles Scribner’s S... ...dwick-Johnston Memorial Lib., Madisonville, TN. 12 March 2012. Prigozy, Ruth. "F(rancis) Scott (Key) Fitzgerald." American Short-Story Writers, 1910- 1945: First Series. Ed. Bobby Ellen Kimbel. Detroit: Gale Research, 1989. Dictionary of Literary Biography Vol. 86. Literature Resource Center. Hardwick-Johnston Memorial Lib., Madisonville, TN. 12 March 2012. Tompkins, Sandra. Lecture: â€Å"F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby.† English 3120: Hiwassee College. 27 March 2012. Trask, David F. â€Å"A Note on Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby.† University Review 33.3 (Mar. 1967): 197-202. Rpt. in Novels for Students. Ed. Diane Telgen. Vol. 2. Detroit: Gale, 1998. Literature Resource Center. Hardwick-Johnston Memorial Lib., Madisonville, TN. 12 March 2012. Whitley, Peggy. â€Å"Lone Star College - Kingwood.† American Cultural History. Lone Star College Library. 5 Apr. 2012.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Narrative

Jacques EpangueEnglish 101, 9M2 Professor Rolando JorifSpring 2013 The Narrative In â€Å"About Men†, by Gretel Ehrlich, the author describes cowboys like men who seem to have trouble communicating with and relating to women, yet cling to an â€Å"adolescent dependency† on women to take care of them. This trouble of communication with women can be perceived by others as a sign of weakness even a lack of virility. However, according to Ehrlich it may be because of historical and geographical factors.Cowboys who are mostly from the South kept that â€Å"chivalrousness and strict codes of honor† when the came to the Wyoming. This is why men would show a stand-offish and respectful attitude vis-a-vis the women. Also, due to the geographical vastness of the North, cowboys often work where there is no human beings or women. He is physically and socially isolated which â€Å"make emotional evolution seem impossible†. Therefore, if it happened that he feels someth ing for a woman, he would have trouble communicating because he is not use to the code of seduction that average people know.And yet, â€Å"dancing wildly all night becomes a metaphor for the explosive emotions pent up inside, and when these are, on occasion, released, they're so battery-charged and potent that one caress of the face of one â€Å"I love you† will peal for a long while. † The attempt of the author to explain why the American cowboy tends to be rather reserved when it comes to seduce a woman squares well with her painting of his personality.Keep in mind that the purpose of her writing is to â€Å"reveal the complex nature of the American cowboy†, so she tries to show how the stereotype of the cowboy does not reflect the reality. This man who is â€Å"usually thought of as a rugged and tough† individual, is not only full of manliness, but has his own kind of femininity reflected in his altruism, but also in his relationship with women, chara cterized by what the author names â€Å"Those contradictions of the heart between respectability, logic and convention on the one hand, and impulse, passion, and intuition on the other†.In fact the author stands that cowboys are vulnerable too, and according to her and Ted Hoagland â€Å"No one is as fragile as a woman but no one is as fragile as a man. † The stereotype of the manly and macho cowboy is subject of uncertainly since we read Gretel Ehrlich. According to her, the image of American cowboy paints by media does not match the reality.Base on her own experience in the Wyoming she describes the American cowboy as a man with a complex nature, a combination of masculinity and femininity. The American cowboy is certainly â€Å"strong and silent†, or a â€Å"rugged individualist†, but not in the perverted way the media tend to show us. And if he looks evasive with women it is not because he is tough, but because he is missing the code of seduction, â⠂¬Å"the vocabulary to express the complexity of what they feel. â€Å"

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Is Technology Destroying Our Life? Essay

Technology is a wonderful thing giving us almost instant access to the world’s information. It makes our life easier, and enables us to stay in touch with distant friends and family. But it’s not all great. From big stuff like cancer to small stuff like being distracted texting, technology is killing us slowly every day. Texting while driving or walking is a killer People hate talking to people on the phone, so they’ve taken to texting. The problem with texting You need to have your eye on your phone to make sure you get the message right. Fine when you’re sitting still, a disaster when you’re driving. From 2001 to 2007, 16,000 people died from texting while driving. Even out of the car, texting is a disaster. Emergency rooms were seeing over 1,000 visitors who were getting into accidents because they were distracted trying to walk and text. We sit around using computers at work Sitting all day long is terrible for you. It makes you fat and weak, and can actually increase the odds of you dying sooner than later. So, what’s that got to do with technology? Well, thanks to technology we’re sitting at work more and more using computers to get our jobs done. Cell phones are probably giving us cancer This is one that remains inconclusive and divisive. Researchers haven’t found a definitive link between cancer and cell phones, yet there is a body of evidence linking the two. If you have a cell phone constantly glued to your ear, there is at least some reason to be worried about a tumor forming. Just use a headset to play it safe. Facebook is fueling divorce, which can lead to depression Facebook is actually leading to divorce for married couples. Spouses can get jealous when they look at who is friends with who, or if they see flirtatious messages being sent. It drives a wedge in the marriage, which can end in divorce. Divorce can lead to depression, which can lead to suicide. Craigslist, if you’re not careful, can be very deadly Craigslist is an amazing service making it much easier for us to sell old crap with minimal hassle, or find a new apartment without a broker. However! If you’re not careful with how you approach Craigslist, you could get yourself in hot water. Take a look at Congressman Chris Lee, who used Craigslist to look for hook ups. It ruined his career (and probably his marriage too.) There are also more serious examples of danger from Craigslist like Philip Markoff, the so-called Craigslist killer. Cellphones on planes can clog up the radio signals There’s something about being on a plane that when the crew tells you to turn off your phone you can’t help but scoff and try to squeeze in reading a few more tweets, or checking email one last time. What’s the harm in it? Well, the FCC worries that a plane load of people doing just that can scramble radio signals and cause problems for the plane. People are losing their sleep thanks to TVs, cellphones, and other screens Staring at bright screens before you go to sleep can disrupt your sleep, says a Berkeley sleep specialist. The bright screens of an iPhone, iPad, or even TV, disrupt your body’s natural rhythms at night. If you don’t get enough sleep, your lifespan can be significantly shorter according to research from the University of Warwick. Electric cars are dangerous for the blind Electric cars and hybrids are silent, and as such, they are a threat for people that rely on hearing cars coming. Hybrid and electric car makers know that silent cars are a threat, and they’re considering adding noise makers to the car to alert the outside world. More efficient farming and shipping is making us fat Our instinct as human animals to eat fatty and sugary things — things that give us the most energy to store because throughout most of evolution we did have to go through stints of deprivation. In modern life, we still have the same tastes but we don’t need to anymore. Now, thanks to technological innovations in farming and shipping, fatty and sugary things are available everywhere—and super cheap. This is making us fat, and being fat is killing us (and costing us lots of money). Finally I hope to forget the technology a little bit and take care about each other more because our social life is going to die . I think if we stay like this we will lose our friends , maybe our family and our humanity.